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and other ways to promote the petition.
If you support this Petition
here's how you can have a copy of the petition on your site. It will look exactly like this. You will notice that there are no logos or graphics on the page. It is pure HTML and there are even links at the top and bottom of the page that will take the web visitor back to the page on your site that they came from. Of course when they click on "sign the petition" they go to the form at because we must keep all the signatures and validations at one place because we don't want multiple signatures and anything else that would decrease the credibility of the petition. Also when they click on "view signatures" they are taken to the section of the petition at where the signatures exist.
Step by Step Instructions to Place the Petition (exactly as shown in the copy here ) on your site:
That's all there is too it! Some cautions:
If you have any questions about this please
Other ways to support and help circulate this petition:
Each person makes a difference, and every signature counts!